Results for 'Elia Rino Giuseppe Pusterla'

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  1. Derrida's Wheel – The Circularity of Political (R)Evolutions.Elia R. G. Pusterla & Francesca Pusterla - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (1):102-122.
    This article investigates the relationship between political revolutions and the evolution of politics. It discusses the circularity within the concept of revolution through Jacques Derrida’s theory of sovereignty as particularly per Rogues – Two Essays on Reason and The Beast and the Sovereign. Derrida’s notions of wheel and ipseity display ontological prerogatives and evolutionary limits of political revolutions possibly coinciding with reversals hard to turn into linear evolutions, excluding rather than reaffirming circularity. Political revolutions show such incapacity to become evolutionary (...)
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    Post-truth, scepticism & power: by Stuart Sim, Cham (Switzerland), Palgrave Macmillan (Springer), 2019, 175 pp, £54.99 (hbk), ISBN 978-3-030-15875-0.Elia R. G. Pusterla - 2020 - Jurisprudence 11 (2):309-315.
    In our turbulent and fast-changing days, is there anyone who still cares about truth? If this were, fortunately, the case, what leeway would those tenacious people have at disposal in order to find...
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  3. On the Ineffable Unity of Morality and Politics in Kant.Elia R. G. Pusterla & Cristóbal Garibay-Petersen - forthcoming - Jus Cogens:1-21.
    Unable to overlook Agamben’s gloss of Kant’s moral philosophy as a vector of ontological delirium, the article scrutinises Kant’s choice of the well-known expression ‘categorical imperative’ as the prescriptive cornerstone of moral praxis. The article’s central claim is that the linguistic formulation of the categorical imperative in such terms on Kant’s part is not determined by pleonastic redundancy or overabundant formality. It depends on Kant’s well-aware need to voice and get logically rid of, as best as possible, within the available (...)
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    Deconstruction of Discernment in Child Euthanasia.Elia R. G. Pusterla - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (2):671-690.
    Belgian law on child euthanasia uses the concept of discernment to bestow the right to die to minors. Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction of oppositional logic grasps the ambiguity of this use of discernment and generally challenges the alleged force of a textual sign meaningfully to differentiate itself from its different and meaningless else. This alleged ability to discern the presence of discernment impinges the truth-value of the distinction between worthy/unworthy lives. The resulting undecidability morally suggests the respect for otherness and promotes (...)
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    Kevin Attell, Giorgio Agamben: Beyond the Threshold of Deconstruction.Elia R. G. Pusterla - 2017 - Derrida Today 10 (2):237-243.
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    The Credibility of Sovereignty - The Political Fiction of a Concept.Elia R. G. Pusterla - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    The book deeply analyses the bilateral relations between Switzerland and the European Union and their effect on the former's sovereignty in the context of Europeanisation. This touches on philosophical debates on the complexity of sovereignty. What sovereignty is at stake when talking about Swiss-EU relations? This issue not only faces the elusiveness of sovereignty as a concept, but also the proliferation of hypocrisy on its presence within states. The book encounters the deconstructionist hypothesis stating that there is nothing to worry (...)
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    The problem of political foundations in Carl Schmitt and Emmanuel Levinas.Elia R. G. Pusterla - 2018 - Jurisprudence 9 (2):424-430.
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    The In-Out dispositional affective style questionnaire : an exploratory factorial analysis.Viridiana Mazzola, Giuseppe Marano, Elia M. Biganzoli, Patrizia Boracchi, Tiziana Lanciano, Giampiero Arciero & Guido Bondolfi - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Der Mensch als Mit-Mensch. Aufsätze zur Gestalttheorie in Forschung, Anwendung und Dialog - herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Gerhard Stemberger.Giuseppe Galli & Gerhard Stemberger - 2017 - Wien, Österreich: Verlag Wolfgang Krammer.
    Giuseppe Gallis konsequentes Streben nach einer angemessenen Berücksichtigung beider Pole, des Subjektpols ebenso wie des Objektpols, sowohl in der Forschung als auch in allen Bereichen des menschlichen Lebens kommt im vorliegenden Sammelband in allen Arbeiten zum Tragen. Galli eröffnet damit auch neue Felder f8r die gestalttheoretische Forschungs- und Anwendungspraxis. Er erschließt Themen, die nicht zuletzt auch f8r die medizinischen, philosophischen, psychologischen und psychotherapeutischen Aufgabenstellungen zentral sind. Er plädiert nicht nur allgemein für einen dialogischen Ansatz in der zwischenmenschlichen Begegnung, er (...)
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    Claudio Leonardi, ed., with Rino Avesani, Ferruccio Bertini, Giuseppe Cremascoli, and Giovanni Orlandi, Medioevo Latino: Bolletino bibliografico della cultura europea dal secolo VI al XIII, 1. Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull' Alto Medioevo, 1980. Paper. Pp. 42, 591. [REVIEW]Fredric L. Cheyette - 1981 - Speculum 56 (3):673.
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  11. Medioevo Latino: Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea dal secolo VI al XIII, 1–12. Edited by Claudio Leonardi, with Rino Avesani, Ferruccio Bertini, Giuseppe Cremascoli, Giovanni Orlandi, and Giuseppe Scalia. Spoleto: Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo, 1980–91. Address for subscriptions: Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo, Palazzo Ancaiani, 06049 Spoleto, Italy. [REVIEW]Jan M. Ziolkowski - 1992 - Speculum 67 (4):1007-1009.
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  12. Naive Modus Ponens.Elia Zardini - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (4):575-593.
    The paper is concerned with a logical difficulty which Lionel Shapiro’s deflationist theory of logical consequence (as well as the author’s favoured, non-deflationist theory) gives rise to. It is argued that Shapiro’s non-contractive approach to solving the difficulty, although correct in its broad outlines, is nevertheless extremely problematic in some of its specifics, in particular in its failure to validate certain intuitive rules and laws associated with the principle of modus ponens. An alternative non-contractive theory is offered which does not (...)
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    Instability and Contraction: Méditations hégéliennes I.Elia Zardini - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (1):155-188.
    In other works, I’ve proposed a solution to the semantic paradoxes which, at the technical level, basically relies on failure of contraction. I’ve also suggested that, at the philosophical level, contraction fails because of the instability of certain states of affairs. In this paper, I try to make good on that suggestion.
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    Context and consequence. An intercontextual substructural logic.Elia Zardini - 2014 - Synthese 191 (15):3473-3500.
    Some apparently valid arguments crucially rely on context change. To take a kind of example first discussed by Frege, ‘Tomorrow, it’ll be sunny’ taken on a day seems to entail ‘Today, it’s sunny’ taken on the next day, but the first sentence taken on a day sadly does not seem to entail the second sentence taken on the second next day. Mid-argument context change has not been accounted for by the tradition that has extensively studied the distinctive logical properties of (...)
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  15. Getting One for Two, or the Contractors’ Bad Deal. Towards a Unified Solution to the Semantic Paradoxes.Elia Zardini - 2015 - In T. Achourioti, H. Galinon, J. Martínez Fernández & K. Fujimoto (eds.), Unifying the Philosophy of Truth. Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
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    Naive Logical Properties and Structural Properties.Elia Zardini - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (11):633-644.
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    Restriction by Noncontraction.Elia Zardini - 2016 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 57 (2):287-327.
    This paper investigates how naive theories of truth fare with respect to a set of extremely plausible principles of restricted quantification. It is first shown that both nonsubstructural theories as well as certain substructural theories cannot validate all those principles. Then, pursuing further an approach to the semantic paradoxes that the author has defended elsewhere, the theory of restricted quantification available in a specific naive theory that rejects the structural property of contraction is explored. It is shown that the theory (...)
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  18. The Opacity of Truth.Elia Zardini - 2015 - Topoi 34 (1):37-54.
    The paper offers a critical examination of a prominent, “quasi-deflationist” argument advanced in the contemporary debate on the semantic paradoxes against non-naive and non-transparent theories of truth. The argument claims that truth unrestrictedly fulfils certain expressive functions, and that its so doing requires the unrestricted validity of naivety and transparency principles. The paper criticises the quasi-deflationist argument by considering some kinds of cases in which transparency and naivety arguably fail. In some such cases truth still fulfils the relevant expressive functions (...)
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    Closed without boundaries.Elia Zardini - 2020 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 3):641-679.
    The paper critically discusses two prominent arguments against closure principles for knowledge. The first one is the “argument from aggregation”, claiming that closure under conjunction has the consequence that, if one individually knows i premises, one also knows their i-fold conjunction—yet, every one of the premises might exhibit interesting positive epistemic properties while the i-fold conjunction might fail to do so. The second one is the “argument from concatenation”, claiming that closure under entailment has the consequence that, if one knows (...)
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  20. Luminosity and vagueness.Elia Zardini - 2012 - Dialectica 66 (3):375-410.
    The paper discusses some ways in which vagueness and its phenomena may be thought to impose certain limits on our knowledge and, more specifically, may be thought to bear on the traditional philosophical idea that certain domains of facts are luminous, i.e., roughly, fully open to our view. The discussion focuses on a very influential argument to the effect that almost no such interesting domains exist. Many commentators have felt that the vagueness unavoidably inherent in the description of the facts (...)
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  21. Intimità sonore. Lineamenti di una prossemica sonora.Elia Gonnella - 2022 - de Musica 26 (1):32-80.
    How can sound and space be connected not only in a metaphorical sense? Over the last decades, philosophy of sound, aesthetics, and musicology have shown increasing interest in space inquiry. However, the way we interact with each other, communicate in space, and gather information about/in space is rooted in sound in a completely different way from those of musical metaphors. In this paper, I present an analysis of the role sound plays in the constitution of both space and relations of (...)
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  22. Probabilistic inferences from conjoined to iterated conditionals.Giuseppe Sanfilippo, Niki Pfeifer, D. E. Over & A. Gilio - 2018 - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 93:103-118.
    There is wide support in logic, philosophy, and psychology for the hypothesis that the probability of the indicative conditional of natural language, P(if A then B), is the conditional probability of B given A, P(B|A). We identify a conditional which is such that P(if A then B)=P(B|A) with de Finetti's conditional event, B|A. An objection to making this identification in the past was that it appeared unclear how to form compounds and iterations of conditional events. In this paper, we illustrate (...)
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  23. It Is Not the Case that [P and 'It Is Not the Case that P' Is True] nor Is It the Case that [P and 'P' Is Not True].Elia Zardini - 2012 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 1 (4):309-319.
    A new semantic paradox developed by Richard Heck and relying on very minimal logical and truth-theoretic resources is rehearsed. A theory of truth restricting the structural metarule of contraction is presented and some of the theory's relevant features are made explicit. It is then shown how the theory provides a principled solution to the paradox while preserving the extremely compelling truth-theoretic principles at stake, thus bringing out a significant advantage that the theory enjoys over virtually all other non-dialetheic theories. It (...)
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    In dialogo con Bernard J.F. Lonergan: scritti in onore di Rocco Pititto.Giuseppe Guglielmi & Rocco Pititto (eds.) - 2018 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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  25. Knowing how to establish intellectualism.Daniele Sgaravatti & Elia Zardini - 2008 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 77 (1):217-261.
    In this paper, we present a number of problems for intellectualism about knowledge-how, and in particular for the version of the view developed by Stanley & Williamson 2001. Their argument draws on the alleged uniformity of 'know how'-and 'know wh'-ascriptions. We offer a series of considerations to the effect that this assimilation is problematic. Firstly, in contrast to 'know wh'-ascriptions, 'know how'-ascriptions with known negative answers are false. Secondly, knowledge-how obeys closure principles whose counterparts fail for knowledge-wh and knowledge-that. Thirdly, (...)
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    The Sorites Paradox.Sergi Oms & Elia Zardini (eds.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    For centuries, the Sorites Paradox has spurred philosophers to think and argue about the problem of vagueness. This volume offers a guide to the paradox which is both an accessible survey and an exposition of the state of the art, with a chapter-by-chapter presentation of all of the main solutions to the paradox and of all its main areas of influence. Each chapter offers a gentle introduction to its topic, gradually building up to a final discussion of some open problems. (...)
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    Ethics in the Afterlife of Slavery: Race, Augustinian Politics, and the Problem of the Christian Master.Matthew Elia - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):93-110.
    The recent renaissance of Augustinian ethics remains mostly silent about the central place of slavery in Augustine’s thought. Although Augustinians appear confident his insights can be excised from his legitimation of the institution of slavery, two facts challenge this assumption: First, slavery constitutes not simply one moral issue among others for Augustine but an organizing, conceptual metaphor; second, the contemporary scene to which Augustinians apply his thought is itself the afterlife of a slave society. Thus, to bear faithful witness in (...)
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  28. La forma di governo e il sistema politico italiano.Leopoldo Elia - forthcoming - Critica.
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  29. Proclo di Atene.Giuseppe Martano - 1974 - Napoli,: Giannini.
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  30. Il corpo affettivo. L’esperienza sonora nella costituzione della persona.Elia Gonnella - 2022 - InCircolo - Rivista di Filosofia E Culture 14:175-197.
    Listening is not an incorporeal experience; we do not listen with our non-extended minds. We listen with all our body, and music can change completely our personal structure. It is through sound experience that we change and asset ourselves. Studies in the doctrine of affects often use sonorous metaphors and concepts such as Stimmung, resonance, consonance, that refer to sound experience. In this paper, I try first of all to show how listening is rooted in body experience. Then, I argue (...)
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  31. Su Max Scheler. Riflessioni a partire da Wesen und Formen der Sympathie.Elia Gonnella - 2022 - Dialegesthai. Rivista Telematica di Filosofia 24.
  32. Scepticism and Perceptual Justification.Dylan Dodd & Elia Zardini (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    How can experience provide knowledge, or even justified belief, about the objective world outside our minds? This volume presents original essays by prominent contemporary epistemologists, who show how philosophical progress on foundational issues can improve our understanding of, and suggest a solution to, this famous sceptical question.
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  33. Espressione e individuazione. Proposte per la ricerca dei processi ibridativi.Elia Gonnella - 2023 - Dialettica E Filosofia:1-12.
    In the last few years, the idea of human being has been enlarged from the individual closeness to morphogenetic openness. Concurrently with discovers and researches into invisible worlds that live with human beings – microbes, fungi, bacteria, etc. – a debate has opened up that agrees with recent positions in the field of ontology. The human being is capable of poietic openness and is defined by relations. Anyway, an absence of a rigorous conceptualisation of the individualising process remains latent to (...)
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    Searching for Judgment Biases Among Elite Basketball Referees.Elia Morgulev, Ofer H. Azar, Ronnie Lidor, Eran Sabag & Michael Bar-Eli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  35. Pensar la guerra, Clausewitz: la interpretación aroniana de del "vom Kriege".Oscar Elía - 2007 - Anuario Filosófico 40 (88):109-128.
    For the last two centuries “Vom Kriege” has been used to justify two different kinds of totalitarianisms: Marxism-Leninism and Nazism. However, during the 1950s liberal thinking also made use of that work. In line with liberal thinking, Raymond Aron’s “Penser la Guerre, Clausewitz” presents Clausewitz’s work as moderate and liberal and underplays its totalitarian connections.
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  36. “Impero” e “imperialismo”. Michael Hardt e Antonio Negri nel dibattito internazionale.Elia Zaru - 2016 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 28 (54).
    The notion of “empire” in Hardt and Negri’s political theory indicates a new postmodern sovereignty, able to lead the capital accumulation in the global market era. With the concept of “empire”, Hardt and Negri want to overtake the imperialism doctrines, considered by the two authors unable to understand correctly the global world. The aim of this essay is to clarify the conceptual contraposition between “empire” and “imperialism” offering a brief description of the international debate raised by the publication of “Empire” (...)
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  37. Dove sta andando la terapia familiare nel mondo? Intervista a Froma Walsh.Antonello D'Elia - 2011 - Terapia Familiare 95:87 - 97.
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    La cultura letterario dei Basso Impero.S. D’Elia - 1973 - Augustinianum 13 (1):5-35.
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    De l’Αrs grammatica à la Grammatica Speculativa.Sìlvio Elia - 1981 - In Jürgen Trabant (ed.), Geschichte der Sprachphilosophie Und der Sprachwissenschaft. De Gruyter. pp. 167-176.
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    Motives and Incorporation.John Elia - 2004 - Southwest Philosophy Review 20 (1):83-90.
  41. Sistematica per una civiltà filosofica.Ivo Mastelloni Elia - 1973 - Cosenza: Pellegrini.
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  42. Gli epistolari dei filosofi italiani, 1850-1950.Giuseppe Giordano (ed.) - 2000 - Soveria Mannelli, Catanzaro: Rubbettino.
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    La ricerca della verità in Karl Jaspers.Giuseppe Masi - 1953 - Bologna,: C. Zuffi.
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    L'indignazione della virtù: saggio su Rousseau.Giuseppe Pezzino - 2000 - Catania: C.U.E.C.M..
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    Giornata giobertiana: atti del Convegno organizzato dalla Accademia delle scienze di Torino, il Dipartimento di discipline filosofiche dell'Università degli studi di Torino e il Centro studi filosofico-religiosi Luigi Pareyson, 20 novembre 1998.Giuseppe Riconda & Gianluca Cuozzo (eds.) - 2000 - Torino: Trauben.
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    Sacrifici e simulacri: Bataille, Klossowski.Giuseppe Zuccarino - 2021 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  47. Truth and Perspective.Giuseppe Ricciardi & Kevin Reuter - manuscript
    Several studies in experimental philosophy and semantics have shown that a substantial number of English speakers consider a statement true even if it does not align with the facts, as long as it is justified from the speaker's perspective. These findings challenge the prevailing view among philosophers that truth is uniformly based on a statement's correspondence to reality and suggest that for some speakers truth is sensitive to epistemic perspectives. In this study, we show that this behavior depends on how (...)
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  48. Vagueness and Practical Interests.Paula Sweeney & Elia Zardini - 2011 - In Paul Égré & Nathan Klinedinst (eds.), Vagueness and language use. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this paper we focus mainly on a kind of contextualism theory of vagueness according to which the context dependence has its source in the variation of our practical interests. We largely focus on Fara's version of the theory but our observations work at different levels of generality, some relevant only to the specifics of Fara's theory others relevant to all contextualist theories of a certain type.
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  49. Information and Knowledge: A Constructive Type-theoretical Approach.Giuseppe Primiero - 2007 - Springer.
    The constructive reformulation of the semantic theory suggests two basic principles to be assumed: first, the distinction between proper knowledge, expressed in judgemental form, and the assertion conditions for such knowledge; second, ...
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    Postdemocrazia o de-democratizzazione? Alcune riflessioni tra storia e politica sul dibattito contemporaneo.Elia Zaru - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 35 (69):201-216.
    Il saggio ricostruisce e analizza alcuni snodi del dibattito contemporaneo sulla crisi della democrazia, alla luce delle idee di «postdemocrazia» e «de-democratizzazione» e del legame tra crisi della democrazia e neoliberalismo rispetto al rapporto tra politica, democrazia, uguaglianza e azione collettiva. Il primo paragrafo è dedicato al lemma «postdemocrazia» e ne rintraccia le radici storico-teoriche nella «semantica del post». Il secondo paragrafo mostra il modo in cui in ottica neoliberale la crisi della democrazia non rappresenti un problema (come inteso dalla (...)
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